Is it ADHD or What?
Dvora Kravitz, MA, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Our two-year-old granddaughter Molly is tired. It is 3:30 pm, and she will have to wait until bedtime to go to sleep. We’re in my car, and my cousin calls to chat. My cousin is one of my favorite people, but she is a talker. We talk for a half hour, and the little one…
Some individuals maintain equilibrium under very trying conditions. These people are able to stay in control of their emotions and make rational and wise choices. When we lose emotional control, we respond with the fight or flight response. Our brains respond to stress as a perceived danger, with the fight, flight, or freeze effect….
Richie is in 8th grade. He is assigned to general education classes. Academic testing indicates that Richie decodes and comprehends text in the average range. In math, computation and concepts and applications fall in the below average range. In math class, Richie has difficulty controlling his impulses. When the bell rings, his classmates sit… Brad is a 13-year-old 7th grader. He is full of energy and enjoys the attention of adults and peers. Brad is responsible and well liked at home and in his neighborhood. In contrast to home, Brad avoids most class work, teases less popular classmates, calls out, uses profanity, and throws objects during class. In writing,…